Hello, my name is KEVIN REZA AULIA. Now I ‘m studying at FOURTEEN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. In X-F class. This is my biography .OK, lets we see my biography.
I was born on March,27th 1994. I’m a mix of Betawi and Sunda, my father is from Jakarta and my mother from Bandung. In 1996,I got sick, that’s diarrhea, until I must took bed rest in Hospital for a week.
In 1998, I got a new brother, his name is EKY ADHA MAHENDRA. Actually he is not my first brother, he is the second, because my mother got miscarriage, so my first brother passed away before he born.
In 1999, that was first day I went to school. I was a student in Kenanga Kinder Garden, and in time when I was in Kinder Garden my parents never stay in with me. They have been working. Sometimes I felt jealous with my friends, because they have parents to stayed in with them. Until now my parents never stayed in with me.
In 2000, that first time I got Elementary School. My Elementary School is 02 Bambu Apus Elementary School. In my elementary school, that was not too hard to found new friend, because almost of them are my ex-kinder garden friends.
In 2002, that was first time I kissed a girl, maybe at the time I just kidded with her. But that is a funny memories in kinder garden.
In 2004, I won a Science Competition, even I just got Second Price, yups I was a Runner Up. And that Competition was storey in district. But I think that was a unforgettable moment.
In 2005, I had a new sister, her name is ZAHWA TASYA DYNA PUTRI, we called her CHACHA, she was very cute and pretty. I love her very much.
In 2006, I entered Junior High School, my Junior High School is One Hundred and Eighty Junior High School. In my Junior High School, that’s also not too hard to found new friends, because there were so many my ex-friends from elementary school.
2007, I followed a pride in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, I played a Trumpet in my school Marching Band. That was very crowded but that was a very amazing moment in my live.
2009, now I’m in Senior High School, actually in Fourteen Senior High School, I’m really happy because this in my dream school. In this school I got so many good friends, even in Ten F (My Lovely Class) I am a chairman, so proud of their faith to me, to be their leader.
I think that’s enough for now, maybe I will make a biography again when I’m in old age. See you again..




this is my frist post for english task…

actually i’m a little confuse about what theme that i will choose, and finally i choose my class…

because i think every day i go to school and meet my class mates, so i will write about my class…

okey fristly…


the chairman is me…

my name is…


i’m the chairman of X-F, maybe in fourteen high school i’m the CUTES chairman..


that will be dissgusting…

but i think that’s true,,

there’s so many people said,,



okey.. next step..


he is the vice chairman in the X-F…

so he will help me, to maintance X-F

next step..


they are secretary of X-F,,

so if you get sick,or can’t go to school, send a message or letter to they,,,

and they also receive every informatio from me or from the teacher,, attendent list also their reponsible..


they are the treasurer…

they collect the money and keep them..

they collect the money once a week,,

five thousand rupiah for one week,,

what’s the others..?



they are the representative of religion,,

so they have job for coordinate the people to do the religion obligations,or like sholat for the moslems, or divine for the christians…


they are the security keeper, the must keep the safety of X-F,they are very important, even i don’t know they have worked or not


she is the representative of familiarity, she keep the familiarity in X-F still strong, that is very cool..


she is the representative of cleane, she keeps,reminds, and arranges us about the clean..


 he is the representative of  orderliness, he must keep the ordery,and make class always have positive aura


she is the representative of beauty of class, she must make the class looks good, actually we don’t have class because we are moving class, so i don’t know what she do…



 she is the representative of health, so if someone sick during the learnine time, tell to her, and she will accompanies you to the frist aid room, and then in the frist aid room you will get medicine from the doctor.


i think that is enaugh for all abour my class keeper,,,

i hope you, can understand about this,,,


my dreaaammmmmmmmm…

ihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,, w lagi pneend beuuuddd ma motor CS one yg KLUARAn honda ituuuu,,,

kereeeeeeeen beeeuuudd, bahkan lbih kreeennd dari SAeP, mnurut ww….


lyattt kand btapa kreeeennn nahhhhh….


PEMERINTA H DKI, adilkah..?

pas nulis ini aku jdi inget ttg, artikel d k0mpas beberapa minggu yg lalu, d sna ada seorang ibu yg blang kalau :

anaknya adalah seorang siswa sekolah SSN, tmen” taw kan SSN itu pa…
nah dy itu bilang, kenapa skolah anaknya yg SSn gx d gratisin??
sedangkan skolah” laen, yg byasa” jah d gratisin, k0k skul anaknya gx..? knp..?

nah kta’ ibu itu bkin aku sebel bgeed, jlas” aku yg bkan skul d SSN ( mklum pas-pasan otaknya )ngrasa ibu itu gx mkirin apa yg dy katakan, mnurut ku y ada bbrapa kriteris knp SSN gx d gratisin..

ptama, krna mreka itu dag pna klbhan otak, dan yg pazti sarana” pnunjang untuk mereka belajar pun hruz lebih, kan gx mungkin bgd klo SSN isinya komputer usang, bku” bkas, dll yg kren” dag gtu lab mreka kren” beuuud, gx da yg kya lab d sku qw pkokna fsilitas mreka twuh lngkap beeud dwech.
kdua, scara mreka itu kan anak” SSN jdi otomatis mreka di harapkan sbagai orang yg bkalan lbih maju, nah spaya lbih maju itu pasti guru” yg mngajar mreka juga yg lbih maju, kalo d skul” byasa yg ngajar paling gede title na S1, nah d SSn kan bsa S3, profesor lah, dll, nah klo qta d skul byasa, boro” profesor, S1 jah jarang, plingan S.Pd. itu kan dag wajar.
ktiga, spti yg dag saya blang d atas, krna gru” mreka lbih dari gru” skul byasa, jdi mngkin gaji gru” SSN itu lbih gde dri gru” byasa dan mungkin dana nya itu dari mrid” skul na.
keempat dan yang trakhir, mreka hruz na bangga krna bsa jdi anak SSN, wlawpun bkalan kluar uang lbih, tapi itu gx da artinya jka mreka bhasil nanti, dan bwat ibu” yg protes, pkirin jah apa itu baik ataw buruk untuk anaknya.

jadi… syapa yg muzti d slahkan..???
PEMERINTAH di DKI Jakarta taw orang tua murid..?
mungkin hruz d kaji ulang…

my frist posted…


parra blogger…

ney posted pertama qw….

seneng beeuud akhirna pna blog ndiri…

tapi gmn yuua…

msih copo ney….

da yg bsa bntu, bwat nkin blog qw lbih krenn..?

post aja y…

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